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Elizabeth  something about myself.
2,725 posts 64 followers 148 following

July 24

Mum! Finish your tea and take us for a walk! #demandingboys #chewiewafflesquad

July 22

Last selfie in paradise. #mecation was absolutely worth it. #turksandcaicos

July 21

Thinking about leaving Boston behind me. #getit #assjokes #turksandcaicos

July 20

A little scuba action before breakfast. #turksandcaicos

July 19

When you meet an absolute snack in another country. #hottubbuddies #herewithherhusband #shame #turksandcaicos

July 18

Happy feet. #turksandcaicos

July 18

The food is only second to the views. So good I wanted to cry. #maybeidid #abit #turksandcaicos

July 17

I could legitimately live here. Believe me, I've thought about it. #turksandcaicos

July 15

My home away from home away from home. #maybesomedayjusthome #turksandcaicos

July 13

Tried to surf, failed spectacularly, opted for this #nofail picture instead. #irefusetodocumentmyfailures #anymoreanyway #turksandcaicos

July 11

First coconut drink of the trip! #YAAASSS #turksandcaicos

July 11

Spending a little nugget of that buyout deal. #turksandcaicos #alonetime #mecation